I’m delighted to have the opportunity to send a festive message to the people of the City of Derby at this time of year.

Owing to the unique circumstances of the last 12 months, I’ve had the privilege of serving as Mayor for a second consecutive term. When reflecting on a similar message I wrote last December, it makes me realise how many things have changed and how much that we can be thankful for.

This year has been one of great sadness and we should of course take time to remember those we have lost. At Christmas, we should think of the bereaved, those who are continuing to battle illness and those who may be lonely, isolated or vulnerable as a result of this devastating virus.

Let’s also find opportunity to think about those who will continue to work throughout the festive period: the emergency services, our hospital staff, care providers and those involved in many other essential public services; and, as we’ve done throughout this year, let’s look to help those less fortunate than ourselves and consider what we can do to support our neighbours and wider community.

Despite the challenges we’ve all faced, there are so many reasons to find hope and take inspiration. We have been brought closer to our communities and we share a renewed appreciation for the fantastic work of our public services and the voluntary sector.

In particular, I’d like to commend the work of the Derby Community Hub, which has brought together residents and partner organisations from across the city to help those who require support.

We must once again thank our Key Workers for the enormous sacrifices they’ve made in fighting Covid-19 – we honour them by following the latest safety guidance, and doing the right thing for Derby.

We must also herald the tremendous progress made by scientists all over the world in developing treatments and vaccines for this novel disease in record time. Finally, we must thank each other for the patience and perseverance that has been shown in dealing with the disruption to everyday life we’ve all experienced.

As we move into 2021, let’s continue in the spirit of hope and optimism – there will be better times ahead, but no matter what the future holds we must always support each other. Until they’re no longer necessary, let’s continue to adhere to the restrictions that are in place and keep doing the right thing for our city and its people.

Together with the Mayoress, I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year.