Equality Hubs and Forums
Equality, diversity and inclusion is very important to us. To help us make sure that we remove barriers to equality for our colleagues, job applicants and for people using our services, we have some Equality Hubs and Forums.
Our Equality Hubs and Forums are:
- 60 Plus Forum - This forum is open to anyone living or working in Derby aged 60 years and over. Meetings are held four times a year. Agenda and minutes can be found here.
- Access, Equality and Inclusion Hub and Parks Sub-Group - This hub and sub-group are open to disabled people and organisations in Derby providing services to disabled people. Our Parks Sub-Group focusses on access to our parks and open spaces. Hub meetings are held six times a year.
- Learning Difficulties Partnership Board - The board is open to people with learning difficulties, carers and organisations providing services to people with learning difficulties. Meetings are held four times a year.
- Race Equality Hub - This hub is open to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Community Organisations including Polish, Latvian, Bosnian, Ukrainian and individuals living within the city. Meetings are held six times a year.
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing People’s Commitment Group - This group is open to Deaf people and hearing impaired people. Meetings are held four times a year. Agenda and minutes can be found here.
- Customer Communication Reference Group - This is a new group set up to look at the whole range of ways we communicate with our customers, including artificial intelligence (AI), face to face, telephone / text, website, social media and email. The purpose of the group is to look at any barriers there are to our communication methods and work out solutions. They also test out new systems for access. They meet once a quarter and in between as needed.
Our hubs and forums are where members and councillors meet to discuss and give advice on Council policies, services, and procedures. They also help us complete our equality impact assessments. Our meetings are usually no longer than two hours, and are face to face and online.
We provide BSL interpreters for our hub meetings on request and documents in other formats.
New members
We are encouraging more people to take part in our hubs / forums. Contact us if you would like to find out more, including how to take part.
Contact us
- Email: ann.webster@derby.gov.uk
- Phone: 01332 643722 Text Relay 18001 01332 643722
- Mobile / text: 07812 301144
- BSL Signing Service