Managing flooding risks
Derby is a growing city of almost 250,000 people and around 105,000 homes. However, Derby’s population has risen steadily since 2001 and is expected to continue to increase. We currently estimate that 12,500 new homes and 199 hectares of employment land are required to sustain this growth in the period of 2008 to 2028.
Many areas of Derby, including parts of the city centre, are at risk from flooding. However, the need for new housing and employment land leads to increased demand for development land. In many cases, through necessity, development looks likely to continue into areas of greater flood risk sensitivity. Likewise, paved surfaces on new residential and business development, if unmanaged, will lead to increased flood risk locally and to the city as a whole.
With the likely onset of climate change, which is widely accepted to be a growing issue, there will be some significant challenges around accommodating Derby’s growth whilst protecting existing and new development from the risks of flooding.
Information on how we intend to manage the risk of flooding on development through encouraging sustainable development and in particular the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is available at: