Drugs: advice and support
Many people are affected by their own or someone else's drug use. If you are concerned that you or someone you know has a drug problem you can speak to Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery service. The service is provided jointly by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Phoenix Futures and Intuitive Thinking Skills. They provide a range of support to help people to recover from drug or problematic alcohol use.
The service works with people who have used all sorts of drugs including performance-enhancing drugs, cocaine, ketamine as well as opiates.
To find out more information or to make an appointment, telephone 0300 790 0265 or visit the Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service websiteOpens in new tab. Additionally, online support can be accessed by visiting the Derby City ORCHA websiteOpens in new tab of approved and regulated apps.
Anyone under 18 years old can get help and support by contacting the Derby Family Health Service provided by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust through ChatHealth.
ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service for parents and young people. It allows you to easily get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support. You don’t have to give your name if you don’t want to; you can still send a message to get advice or to chat about any worries you may have.
Parents: send a message by texting 07507 327754
Young people (aged 11-19): send a message by texting 07507 327104.
For more information visit the Derby Family Health Service websiteOpens in new tab.
If you are a parent, carer or affected by someone else’s alcohol use support is available through the Family Drug and Alcohol Service provided by Aquarius. To find out more information or to make an appointment, telephone 01332 362744, email derby@aquarius.org.ukOpens in new tab or visit the Aquarius websiteOpens in new tab.