Find a home with a private landlord
There are very few properties available through social housing. Most people are more likely to find a new home in an area of their choice by renting from a private landlord.
If you are homeless or threatened with becoming homeless, the Private Rented Sector Access Team at Derby Homes can help you to secure a home of your own with a private landlord or agent.
Contact the Private Rented Sector Access Team. Email:
Finding your home
We know it can be a worrying time when you are faced with becoming homeless and finding your new home may seem like a challenge. There are many private landlords and agents in Derby. You can find properties to rent by:
- searching online - there are many sites advertising properties to rent
- phoning or visiting local letting agents and looking on their websites
- checking local newspapers such as, the Derby Telegraph and also Derbyshire Live online
- asking privately renting friends and relatives if their landlords have other properties to let
- looking at community and shop notice boards for ‘to let’ adverts.
How we can help you
The Private Rented Sector Access Team can:
- give you advice and assistance about private rented options
- talk to any landlords or agents on your behalf
- carry out affordability checks to make sure you are able to meet the rental cost of a new home
- if eligible, offer an interest free grant or loan to help cover the cost of securing a tenancy (rent in advance or deposit)
- refer you for help with, money management, debt, or other barriers that may be stopping you from getting your own tenancy
- help you to claim any benefits in respect of your rental costs (Housing Benefit or Universal Credit Housing Element).
Affording your home
You will need to make sure your rent is affordable to you. You may get help to pay your rent from Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. But you could have to pay all of the rent yourself because of your income.
If you get benefits to help you pay your rent, the amount you get will depend on how many bedrooms you and your family need and how much income you receive.
These set amounts are called Local Housing Allowance (LHA).
Keeping your home
We know that circumstances change and sometimes meeting the cost of your rent can prove difficult.
It is really important that you talk to your landlord as soon as you get into difficulty.
If you are served with an eviction notice your landlord has to follow certain legal processes.
We want to try and prevent tenants from being evicted and will work with landlords and tenants to do this.
We can:
- mediate between you and your landlord to try and resolve any issues
- if eligible, offer grants or interest free loans for up to two months of rent arrears
- help you to claim any benefits you may be entitled to
- help you request any benefits to help pay your rent are sent directly to your landlord
- refer you for help with money management or debt issues.
For advice, or help to secure your own home in the private rented sector please email the Private Rented Sector Access Team:
Further information can be found in the HM Government leaflet How to rent - the checklist for renting in EnglandOpens in new tab