As an outstanding scheme for the Council and a key priority for Arboretum Neighbourhood Board, from Monday 20th July, Normanton Rd will finally undergo a much needed full resurfacing programme.

The priority scheme, which is also supported by Normanton Neighbourhood Board, will see around 6,200m² of heavily used road surface repaired.  This will require the road to be closed to all traffic for nine weeks.

The scheme will be undertaken in four phases, between the Pear Tree Road /Lower Dale Roundabout and Mill Hill Lane / Charnwood Street junction:

  • Phase 1 – Junction of Lower Dale Road and Pear Tree Road to Rose Hill Street (2.5 weeks)
  • Phase 2 – From Rose Hill Street to Grove Street (3.5 weeks)
  • Phase 3 – From Grove Street to Southgate Retail Park (1.5 week)
  • Phase 4 – Southgate Retail Park to Mill Hill Lane / Charnwood Street (1.5 week).

Ahead of the main scheme taking place, we will also be completing a surface treatment to improve the road surface between the Mill Hill Lane junction and Lara Croft Way junction.

Although the scheme is scheduled to be completed in nine weeks, we hope to complete work sooner, subject to good progress.  This is dependent on good weather conditions and no emergencies or unforeseen circumstances taking priority.

We appreciate this is a long period of time for the road to be closed and we are working with the contractor on suitable extended working times and weekend working to try and reduce the time needed to complete the scheme.  We also need to be mindful of residents who live above the shops on Normanton Road and not be a nuisance and so normal working hours will tend to be 8.00am – 5.00pm.

As each phase is completed, we’re hoping that these sections can then be opened up for access purposes. However, we must ensure that the contractor is able to work safely.

Ahead of the works starting, roadside boards will be put in place to give as much notice as possible to residents and visitors.  During the work, fully signed diversion routes will be put in place.

We’re consulting with bus companies who will inform customers of changes to routes and any temporary bus stops that are needed.  When necessary, one-way side streets will be temporarily changed to allow access for residents.

We also appreciate that this scheme will affect businesses, but we are working closely with everyone involved to reduce disruption as far as possible.  Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times during the work so that residents can visit shops that are open.  By having a full closure in place, we can complete the scheme quicker and more efficiently and keep our workforce safe.

The resurfacing scheme will replace the road surface and remove the brick plateaus at junctions.  We will install two new layers of road surface to provide additional strength to this busy route which attracts visitors from across the city.  Where needed, kerb stones will be replaced and drainage gullies repaired.

Road markings will be replaced and we don’t expect to make any amendments, but we are reviewing these.

Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Streetpride, Councillor Jonathan Smale commented:

This is a significant and complex scheme, but will bring substantial improvements to this vibrant district centre. I’d like to reassure local businesses and residents that we’re working hard to reduce disruption as much as possible. We understand that there will be some disruption, but we’d ask for your patience and cooperation while we do this much needed work.

The work is being completed by Thomas Bow Ltd on behalf of Derby City Council.


During COVID-19, it is important that we maintain our road networks so that essential supplies as well as emergency workers can travel to where they are needed most.  We have worked closely with our contractor to make sure that we can resume work where it is safe and appropriate to do so.  The contractor is working to Public Health England and Construction Industry Council guidance on social distancing and safety operations.

Please note that some of the work is difficult to complete with social distancing.  The contractor has provided us with details of how they will work through these as safely as possible.

We would ask that you please respect our key workers completing this essential work.

You can find out more information on this scheme by contacting your local ward Councillor.  If you have a specific question, please email

Regular updates will be posted here.


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