Indoor track cycling is set to resume at Derby Arena from Monday 14th September for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, following confirmation today from British Cycling, the sport’s professional body.

British Cycling is working closely with all venues to support a safe return to indoor activity. It will be a phased reopening, with accredited cyclists initially allowed to return. Indoor competition is not yet permitted, but wider participation will be allowed over the coming weeks and months as guidance changes.

Bookings for sessions up to 28 days in advance are now open, and the Derby Arena team are delighted that cyclists can start to return to the track in a way which makes everyone’s safety the priority.

Accredited cyclists are those who have passed all four stages of accreditation needed to gain the necessary skills and experience to use the Derby Arena track confidently and to a high standard.

All sessions will have to be booked in advance, to allow us to regulate the numbers of people attending at any one time, and the thorough cleaning of all equipment between sessions. The easiest way to do this is online via this link, but you can also call Derby Arena on 01332 640011.

Councillor Robin Wood, Derby City Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism, said:

Derby Arena is the regional centre for track cycling so we can’t wait to start welcoming accredited cyclists back, and look forward to more riders joining us as soon as the guidance allows. Things will have to run a little differently but the welcome is as warm as ever.

Cyclists are asked to familiarise themselves with full information about how sessions will work, what safety measures are in place, and what we are asking them to do, on our website. Please do not come to the Arena if you, or anyone else in your household has symptoms of Covid-19.

Changes include things like arriving ready for the track, as changing rooms and showers currently remained closed to all Arena users. You will not be able to enter the building until 30 minutes before your session, and please bring all your kit with you as you will not be able to return to your car after you’ve arrived for your session. You will need to bring your own drinking water as the water fountain will not be available.

Inside the building, please use the hand sanitiser provided, follow the signs in place, and maintain social distancing at all times. The cycle D area will also look a little different, and you will be assigned a single seat or barrier, and an area of hand rail on the track side.

Unfortunately we can’t admit spectators to the Arena at present, so all participants need to be aged 16 or over.

Please bear with us while we get used to putting these measures in place. If something doesn’t feel right, please raise it with us – we are all learning, and the safety of customers is our priority.