The Beat the Street Derby game has launched with more than 20,300 participants signing up in its first week and together walking, cycling, running, scooting and wheeling their way to more than 45,000 miles.

Beat the Street is a free, interactive game that encourages people of all ages to move more and to get active; it started on Wednesday 31 March and takes place until 12 May.

As well as helping people create healthier lifestyle habits, it also helps with air quality, congestion and pollution, and connects people to their communities and green spaces.

Players then walk, roll, scoot, cycle, wheel or run between the Beat Boxes which are spaced approximately half a mile apart – hovering their fobs or cards over the Beat Boxes to score points. The further players travel, the more points they score for their community or school team. The first Beat Box you hover your card over marks the start of your journey. Walk, cycle, roll, run or scoot to the next one and you score ten points for each subsequent Beat Box.

There are leaderboards for schools, community teams and charity teams - Age UK Derby and Derbyshire, Umbrella Derby and Derbyshire and Safe and Sound Group. Each leaderboard is divided into total and average points to ensure that smaller teams are in with an equal chance of winning.

Currently, Lawn Primary School is at the top of the schools total points leaderboard, with The Bemrose School at the top of the schools average points leaderboard.

The Derwent Runners are at the top of the community teams leaderboard for total points, while the Go Getters are at the top of the average points leaderboard.

On the charities leaderboard, Umbrella leads the total and average points.

Chloe Hendy, PE Lead at the Lawn School said:

Our children, families, staff and wider community are loving playing Beat The Street. It’s a great idea to get children up and active in the holidays, especially as we have been in lockdown for so long and many of our children have been learning from home. We’ve had an overwhelming response from our families and can’t wait to continue ‘Beating The Street!’

This week is Go Explore and events include two nature bingo events; one at Alvaston Park and King George V Park on Friday 9 April from 10.00am to 3.00pm and a second one at Markeaton Park and and Chaddesden Park on Tuesday 13 April from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

Participants are invited to take part in a self-led version of Beat the Street’s nature bingo and score double points on mobile Beat Boxes too.

Additionally, there is a Secret Stones Schools Competition all week where you could win a prize simply by decorating a pebble and placing it somewhere along one of the Move More Trails in one of the five parks in Derby.

Owen Swift, Physical Activity & Sport Manager at Derby City Council, said:

We’ve seen from previous Beat the Street games, including the recent one in Sinfin, that participants have really explored the local area and got to know routes to work or school that they may not have realised were accessible, or green spaces.

There are bonus points on offer on some Beat Boxes to help you get out and about and to find new parts of the city.

Beat the Street is being delivered by Intelligent Health and is funded by the National Lottery and Sport England on behalf of Move More Derby and Derby City Council.

For more information on the game and the bonus Go Explore events, visit the Beat The Street website or follow @BTSDerby on social media.