As a key part of the City’s Recovery from the Pandemic the Derby City Partnership is to team up with respected wellbeing and happiness expert, Dr Andy Cope, to launch a unique city-wide wellbeing programme called ‘Brilliant Derby’.

Beginning on ‘Blue Monday’ Monday 18th January with an introductory session, the scheme will officially roll out in the Spring with a Wellbeing Workout beamed live on the Brilliant Derby website followed by the creation of a network of Wellbeing Champions, six further Derby wide webinars and the launch of a Wellbeing Workout schools project.

The idea is for those who take part in the sessions, volunteer champions and people from across the city to continue to develop Brilliant Derby to spread the word through our communities, businesses and schools.

The long-term aim of the project is to build individual and collective resilience , make a stand against the rising tide of mental ill-health and to introduce a series of simple principles that will help people take charge of their own wellbeing, supporting and complimenting the superb mental health professionals in the city.

In the same way that we might go to the gym to improve our physical fitness, Brilliant Derby is designed to look after our mental health. It will kick off with six simple webinars which introduces some basic principles, enabling people to build their resilience and raise their levels of wellbeing. Brilliant Derby is aimed at the majority who have been ground down by recent events, those who have muddled through and want to regain a spring in their step.

Dr Andy Cope said:

2020 was a year that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

We want to help Derby rise stronger. In 2021, we’re asking you to join Brilliant Derby, a wellbeing revolution that raises the bar from mental health to mental wealth. Quite simply, we want you to sign up to be your best self, consistently. And while that might not change the world, it’ll certainly shape yours.

Nobody really knows what an uprising of wellbeing looks like. Nobody is ever described as ‘stark raving happy’. The news never reports on a mass outbreak of human flourishing. So, here’s our thinking. A city-wide outbreak of wellbeing has to start somewhere, and we’re suggesting the best place is in Derby. This revolution starts in the hearts and heads of the citizens of our magnificent city which shows up in our behaviours and ripples out into our communities and beyond.


Cabinet Member Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing said:

Our 12-month plan is both unique and bold. As part of Derby’s ‘building back better ‘ from the impact of Covid-19 , a  series of ‘wellbeing workouts’ will be available to businesses, schools and residents of Derby on the themes of positivity, resilience, purpose, gratitude, altruism, strengths, happiness, mindfulness, mental health, physical health, mindset and self-esteem

We want to train and empower volunteers to take these lessons into community venues and spread the word so we can really bring out the best in Brilliant Derby.

You can join in the Wellbeing Workout on Monday 18th January by visiting the Derby City Council website homepage and clicking on the Brilliant Derby logo or on the Brilliant Derby website from 2.00pm