Work on the decorative lighting on the new Meadow Lane Footbridge and some general maintenance work to the gullies, central reservation and verges on the A52 will be taking place next week.

The work will commence on Monday 18 January and will be carried out in two phases. Phase 1 is expected to last two nights, and phase 2 will take a further three nights. To allow these to happen safely, there will be overnight lane and road closures on the A52 between Raynesway and Pentagon Island while the work takes place.

These dates are subject to weather conditions and may be changed at short notice.

Details of road closures and diversion routes:



Diversion routes

Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 January

from 8.00pm each night to 6.00am the following morning

Phase 1:

A52 Brian Clough Way

Eastbound: between Pentagon and Wyvern junctions.

Westbound: between slip roads off and to Wyvern Way.


A52 westbound lane closure, between Raynesway and Pentagon Island

Eastbound: Nottingham Road, A6005 Derby Road.
Westbound: Exit A52 at slip road to Wyvern Way, circumnavigate roundabout at junction of Wyvern Way/Derwent Parade and return along Wyvern Way to slip road to A52 westbound.

Wednesday 20 to Friday 22 January

from 8.00pm each night to 6.00am the following morning

Phase 2:

A52 westbound off slip to Wyvern Way


A52 westbound lane closure, between Raynesway and Pentagon Island

Continue along A52 to Pentagon Island, then Eastgate – Holmes Bridge – Station Approach – Pride Parkway – Derwent Parade to Wyvern Way.

Roads will be re-opened as soon as work is completed. 

There will also be work carried out to the embankments at both ends of the new footbridge. This will begin at the Wyvern end on Monday 18 January and continue on the Meadow Lane end later in the week.

The work here  will take place on the ‘landing areas’ and from Meadow Lane itself, so a ‘give and take’ traffic control system will be in place on Meadow Lane while the work – which are expected to take up to four weeks – is completed.

These works are the final elements of the planned landscaping/public realm works and will signify the end of the A52 Wyvern improvement scheme.