A number of weather and flood warnings are currently in place around Derby, which means we need to be on flood alert over the coming days.
For us here in Derby, this is likely to mean a lot of surface water (if the rain continues) and high River Derwent levels. We are well prepared, and are closely working with our partners to monitor the situation – we will issue updates as needed, should the situation change. All Emergency Services are making preparations.
Officers have been able to proactively plan, distribute sandbags, and look at pinch points in the city to try to minimise impact.
River levels are not such that we need to close the flood gates at present, however officers are monitoring river levels around the clock and will act if necessary.
Road closures
- Old Lane, Darley Abbey is closed either side of the river; access only
- The swing bridge next to the Silk Mill is closed to pedestrians
Last updated: 2.45pm, Friday 22 January
What can you do?
- Please avoid unnecessary travel
- If you need to travel, please check before travelling and do not drive into flood water or drive on roads that are closed
You can keep up-to-date on our Newsroom, on DCC’s Twitter account, Opens in new taband by signing up to receive flood warnings and updates from the Flood Information Service.
Who to contact
Emergency contacts are available on our website. Information on flooding and land drainage is also available.