Kevin O’Brien had smoked for 45 years when he decided to quit with Livewell’s support.

The 57-year-old from Chaddesden had smoked up to 40 cigarettes a day and was spurred on to stop after being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) last year.  COPD is the name for a group of lung conditions that causes breathing difficulties and smoking is the main cause, responsible for 9 out of 10 cases.  Kevin has also suffered with asthma since childhood.

I’d tried quitting a few years ago but my heart wasn’t in it so when I hit a difficult patch I started again.  My wife quit two years ago and moaned on at me about the smell when I smoked around her. I also knew that stopping could help prevent my COPD from getting worse so this time I was more determined than ever to succeed.

I booked a phone appointment with Livewell and advisor Cathy talked me through the different Nicotine Replacement Therapy options and how she could support me. I chose to use patches and Cathy arranged for them to be delivered to my house every couple of weeks.  Getting free patches for eight weeks is a big saving and the money I’m not spending on cigarettes (around £50 a week) is going towards repairing our campervan and more holidays away next year.

I stubbed out my last cigarette on 11 September 2020 and I’m noticing some changes already.  I can smell more and taste foods I couldn’t before, plus my wife is happy I smell fresher.  With Covid a more serious threat to smokers, I’m relieved I’m reducing my risks.

When Cathy called to check how I was doing just recently, I told her “I’m not a smoker anymore you don’t need to call me.”

And now that my wife and I are both smoke free, we’re looking forward to many more years of camping breaks in our Talbot van with our beloved dog, Norman.

Advisor Cathy said:

Kevin is a great example that it is never too late to give up smoking.  With support from Livewell, people in Derby can change their lives for the better.  There is no better time than now to quit. 

Find out more and book a phone appointment online at the Livewell website.