As legal COVID restrictions come to an end across the country, Derby’s Outbreak Engagement Board has issued a message of caution to citizens.

The final stage of the Government roadmap unfolded today (19 July), removing legally enforceable restrictions such as social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.

However, as cases rise rapidly on a local and national level, it is still highly encouraged that people continue to consider theirs and others’ safety.

Actions such as still wearing face coverings in crowded spaces and reducing close social contact with those we do not regularly mix with will help to reduce further growth in transmission.

The COVID-19 Outbreak Engagement Board was formed last year to oversee the delivery of local outbreak control plans and ensure timely and effective community engagement.

The board, chaired by the Leader of Derby City Council, Chris Poulter, continues to meet regularly, bringing together public health officers, NHS leaders and Councillors to discuss plans going forward.

As well as caution in social settings, the board also discussed the particular need for awareness and consideration of others in health and social care settings. Local and national NHS teams are to continue with social distancing and wearing face coverings and will be asking patients to do the same to protect those most vulnerable.

Councillor Chris Poulter, Leader of Derby City Council and Chair of the Outbreak Engagement Board, said:

The successes of the vaccination programme, coupled with the hard work of communities across the country has led to the final stage of the roadmap unfolding, a move which will be welcome to many.

I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to reduce COVID rates and support the most vulnerable in our communities.

Unfortunately, COVID has not disappeared, and we must continue to do the right thing for Derby by thinking of others as lockdown ends. Our progress so far as a city has been fantastic, and we should continue this momentum as we move out of lockdown.

Dr Robyn Dewis, Director of Public Health, Derby City Council, said:

We are currently in a situation where COVID cases are rising, and rapidly so. The prevalence of the Delta variant has increased transmission across the country and Derby is experiencing the impact of this.

Despite the ending of legal restrictions, our responsibility to consider the safety of others is still important. While actions such as washing our hands, wearing a face covering in public indoor spaces or socialising outdoors can seem small, they are vital and could help to protect those most at risk.

Perhaps most importantly, getting both doses of our vaccinations as soon as possible will help to prevent severe illness from COVID and reduce the possibility of transmission to others.

More COVID guidance can be found on the Derby City Council website.