Derby City Council’s Streetpride team rolls out ‘Smart bin’ sensor technology, reducing litter and improving the cleanliness of our streets. 

The team have been installing smart bin sensors into litter bins around the city. The sensors use predictive ‘fill-level’ technology, monitoring how fast the bin is filling and alerting when the bin needs emptying. 

The technology has been trialled in 200 ‘hot spot’ litter bins so far dramatically reducing the number of overflowing bin complaints. It also means visits to empty bins when needed has decreased visits to bins by 53% by cutting out unnecessary trips.

Not only are streets looking cleaner and smarter, but fewer journeys reduces our carbon footprint by reducing vehicle emissions. The Streetpride team are committed to expanding the sensor technology within Derby, which will expand on the efficiencies and results we have seen in the trial. This will improve the cleanliness of our streets, and provide residents of Derby with an outlet to responsibly dispose of their litter while outside of their home. 

Sam Kelly, Streetpride Service Manager for street cleansing says,

The roll out of sensor technology will help us work more efficiently, giving the teams more time to focus on other tasks to keep our streets clean and tidy.

In addition, a number of our smaller litter bins which are mounted onto posts are being replaced with a larger bin, which more than doubles the bin capacity. This aims to decrease the number of overflowing litter bins, and provides a bin where sensor technology can be installed. 

A spokesperson for Derby City Council commented,

This is a great opportunity to use the latest technology to keep our city looking its best. No one wants to see overfilled bins and rubbish on the floor.

The sensors have already made a positive impact to help shape our services for the future.