Foster Care Fortnight returns 9 – 22 May 2022. This event aims to highlight the fostering world and show how foster care can change peoples lives. It is also the UK’s biggest fostering campaign which is organised by The Fostering Network. This year, Foster Care Fortnight is focusing on fostering communities.

The Fostering Network was formed in 1997 with the aim of showcasing the amazing compassion, generosity and devotion that foster carers have. They also help and support various fostering services to help bring attention to the need for more foster carers as the amount of young people in need of a foster home rises.

In line with the theme of fostering communities, we are asking people on social media to tell us about their foster care journey. Whether you have been a foster carer, a foster child or have simply been affected by the fostering community in some way, we want to know how fostering has affected your life and the relationship you have made as a result. We are encouraging people who share their story to use the hashtags #FCF22, #FosteringCommunities and #FosterCareFortnight.

Andy Smith, Strategic Director for People Services at Derby City Council, said:

We value the important role our foster carers make to the lives of our children in care in Derby.  Foster carers come from all walks of lives but the one thing they have in common is their passion and commitment to provide children and young people with loving homes where they are supported and encouraged to reach their potential in all aspects of their lives. 

As a former child who grew up in a foster family until I was lucky enough to be adopted by my foster carers when aged 10, I know first-hand what a difference foster carers make to children’s lives.  If anyone reading this is thinking about fostering, please get in touch with us; although we are a large Council we are a very inclusive fostering agency who really value and nurture our foster carers’’.

Evonne Williams, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Skills, said:

Every year, Foster Care Fortnight shines a light on the amazing people that make up the fostering community. No matter what type of foster carer you are, the impact that you have on children who need care is extraordinary. Foster Care Fortnight is a fantastic event, and we cannot thank our foster carers enough for their hard work, care and generosity.

If you have considered fostering in the past or are only hearing about it for the first time, please visit our information events or contact our fostering team who would be happy to discuss what options we have available that might work for you as a foster carer”.

The Fostering Network, have said:

Whether you’re a foster carer, a social worker, young person or supporter of foster care you are part of a community making a real difference to the lives of young people, and we want to celebrate the impact you all have”. 

Suanne Lim, Director of Early Help and Children's Social Care at Derby City Council said:

Fostering Fortnight is such an important time of year where nationally a spotlight is rightfully shone on the many benefits a career in fostering can give you. Here in Derby, we recognise and promote passionately that where children and young people who are in need of care and support of the Council at certain points in their life, and for a variety of reasons, they need to receive that care and support within a family home environment.

Keeping siblings together is a huge priority for us and also that our children are able to remain as local as possible to their school and friends. We are committed to making our fostering service world class and we welcome you on our journey with us.”

In Derby, we have hundreds of children looking for a foster carer. If you have the time, energy and space, why not consider becoming a foster carer and changing a life. We have several different types of fostering to suit any lifestyle.

Visit our fostering webpage to learn more about fostering with Derby City Council. We also have multiple information events coming up in the near future where you can have all your fostering questions answered by our fostering team and our fantastic foster carers. You can also learn more about Foster Care Fortnight by visiting The Fostering Network webpage.