Further support is here for households struggling with the rising cost of living

Published: 8 November 2022

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Apply online for financial support

A new online form has been launched for eligible residents to apply for financial support.


This follows the recent creation of a new hub for cost of living support that provides useful information, guidance and advice that may help with a cost of living related problem.


Households will receive a one-off award that varies depending on the current living situation, while some may also be referred by council services and partner organisations across the city.

  • £120 for a household with children aged 18 or under when the application is made
  • £100 for a couple with no children
  • £80 for a single person

Any applicant will need to provide bank statements for the previous month, as well as proof that they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

This new online form runs alongside the existing Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme that will support eligible households during the Christmas and February term breaks.

The fund will also provide financial support for up to 40 local services and organisations across Derby to help develop a community-led cost of living support network.

Cllr Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Finance, Digital and Culture, said:

“We’re moving towards the winter months, and the impact of the rising cost of living is clear. We’re determined to do what we can to support those at most risk.

“If you are eligible for this extra financial support, make sure you use the form and apply now. If you aren’t eligible for this scheme, there is still a wide range of support available and I would encourage you to visit our cost of living web page.”

The online form is available on the Derby City Council website for residents to apply. Any payments aim to be made within 10 working days after receiving an application, however this may be longer if more information is required.

Updated May 2024: This scheme of financial support is no longer available. Please visit the cost of living section of our website for more information about current schemes. 

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