Derby’s next round of young leaders have been elected.

Muhammad Muntasir (Noel Baker Academy), was elected as Youth Mayor while Harman Kaur (City of Derby Academy) was elected as Deputy Youth Mayor for 2023/24, with 10,845 votes being cast by 18 secondary schools in the city.

The announcement was made at a meeting of the Voices in Action Youth Council in the Council Chamber on Monday 13 February.

Councillor Evonne Williams, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, and Skills, said:

I want to say a big congratulations to Muhammad and Harman. I wish you both an extremely successful year in your roles. Omar and Gloria [the incumbent Youth Mayor and Deputy] will provide as much help as they can in the remaining 3 months of their term.

To Lilly and Anna [the other two candidates], very well done. You both did extremely well and the results were really close. Don’t let this put you off applying again as was said in the meeting, many successful politicians didn’t win at their first attempt!

All of the candidates throughout the process have been a credit to themselves, their families and their schools. they can all be really proud of being part of the Youth Mayor process. Their presentations and ideas were inspiring to hear.

I would like to thank all schools and colleges for making the time in school for this important process to take place. I realise that it is a really challenging time for you all and appreciate all you do to make this initiative the success that it is.

Muhammad and Harman will officially become the new Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor at the Council’s Annual General Meeting in May.

Youth Mayor Elections have taken place in Derby since 2014 and are an important part of engaging young people in Democracy and voting.

That involvement can continue by registering to vote in local and national elections. Anyone aged 16 and over can register at to vote once they turn 18. The next local elections will take place in Derby on Thursday 4 May. More information about these whole Council elections can be found on the Derby City Council website

Application forms for the 2024/25 Youth Mayor process will be sent out in July. Any students that would like to join the Voices in Action (ViA) can contact Adele Styles at Find out more about the Voices in Action Youth Council on their Instagram page or the Derby City Council website.