There is just over one week left for anyone living, working, or studying in Derby to have their say on the Council’s budget proposals for 2023-24, which will see changes to the way services are delivered.

Like Councils across the country, Derby is facing the challenge of setting a balanced budget in the face of a ‘perfect storm’ of rising costs, abnormally high inflation rates and increasing demand. This means that we’re having to make unprecedented savings in a very short space of time.

However, through a mixture of additional Government funding for Social Care, management of demand, savings and an increase in Council Tax, the Council is proposing a balanced budget, with the focus on protecting the city’s most vulnerable people.

You can find details of all the proposals with the consultation on the Let's Talk Derby website. The consultation will be open until Thursday 26 January.

Alongside the main budget consultation is a separate consultation on some specific proposals affecting people’s services. This consultation is open until Friday 10 February and can be found with the main budget consultation.

Copies of the consultation in alternative formats can be accessed by emailing or contacting us.

The Council’s Executive Scrutiny Board will consider the budget proposals at two meetings, the first of which took place yesterday (Monday 16 January), where they looked at services in the Communities and Place and Corporate Resources directorates. This covers areas such as Community Managed Libraries, leisure services, locality working, waste and refuse, highways, street cleansing, parks, and customer services in the Council House.

This evening, (Tuesday 17 January) the focus will be on People’s Services, which includes adult social care and services for children and young people. The meeting will begin at 5pm and can be watched live on the Council’s YouTube channel.