Organisations across the city have once again opened their doors to support citizens struggling with the cost of living.

Last winter, Community Action Derby (CA), in partnership with Derby City Council, supported a number of businesses and voluntary organisations to open their doors and support almost 35,000 citizens experiencing hardship or difficulties as a result of the cost of living crisis.

Warm Welcome Hubs are a network of community led hubs which offer citizens a warm welcome and assistance with cost of living support. The hubs have proven to be an overwhelming success, tackling isolation and poverty and supporting thousands of Derby’s most vulnerable citizens. Last winter, Derby’s Warm Welcome Hubs supported 29,543 adults and 4,536 children.

The hubs are funded by a Warm Welcome Grant, provided by the Department of Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund. The Household Support Fund 4, awarded to Derby City Council in April 2023 will support 46 hubs to open their doors until March 2024, providing even more invaluable support to Derby’s citizens. These hubs have already supported 11,714 adults and 1,283 children between July and September.

Councillor Paul Hezelgrave, Cabinet Member for Cost of Living, Equalities and Inclusion said:

It may seem simple, but a warm welcome and hot drink can make an enormous difference to someone who is feeling isolated or worried about the cost of living. Our Warm Welcome Hubs have already helped tens of thousands of our citizens, and I’m thrilled that we have been able to support organisations to keep their doors open.

This can be a worrying time of year, but help is available. I’d encourage everyone who is concerned about the rising cost of living to pay one of our Warm Welcome Hubs a visit and find out what support is available.

Jonathan Dwerryhouse, Strategy and Partnerships Manager for Community Action Derby said:

We’re tremendously proud of our voluntary and community groups who have rallied together once again to open their doors and provide a warm space, food and support to the residents of Derby city this winter. It makes a huge difference in terms of supporting people during the Cost of Living crisis, overcoming isolation, and wider health and wellbeing issues. It’s a great example of what can be achieved when our statutory partners work together with the voluntary and community sector to adapt to the needs of Derby city.

The 46 Warm Welcome Hubs across the city will:

  • Provide a warm welcome to those in need of a warm space
  • Provide a hot drink and a meal
  • Distribute energy vouchers
  • Assist with online applications
  • Assist with support – signposting to other organisations
  • Provide health and wellbeing support

A full list of all of the Warm Welcome Hubs in Derby can be also found on the Community Action Derby website, which also contains lots of other useful support and guidance to support those struggling with the cost of living crisis.