Delivering better transport choices at Victoria and Albert Street

Published: 29 November 2023

Representatives from Derby City Council and Eurovia at the works on Victoria Street.

A major road and transport improvement scheme is well underway in Derby City Centre.

The works at Victoria and Albert Street will see a raft of improvements to make active travel, such as walking and cycling, easier. This includes wider footways, upgraded cycleways and more cycle stands.

For those travelling by bus, the bus bays and waiting areas will be given an upgrade, including better streetlighting to make the area safer and more comfortable for pedestrians. The one-way system from the bus station to the Wardwick, a temporary measure during the Covid-19 pandemic, will also be made permanent.

A spokesperson for Derby City Council said:

“It’s great to see work progressing well at Victoria and Albert Street. This is one of the most visible schemes for Derby and will provide improved active travel and public transport links to this key area of the city.

“It’s so important that we continue to make it easier for people to choose active travel options so that we can reduce pollution and congestion in the city centre. These additions to our ever-growing network will continue to make those options easier. 

“This scheme is not an isolated one, and we expect to see a whole host of schemes completed around the city over the next year.”

The improved accessibility and active travel options will make it easier for people to travel sustainably between Derby’s Business Improvement Districts – St Peter’s Quarter and Cathedral Quarter – as well as the new Becketwell performance venue.

Works have been ongoing since September and are expected to be complete by Autumn 2024. They are part of Nottingham and Derby’s Transforming Cities programme, being delivered by Eurovia on behalf of Derby City Council.

The works are funded by the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund. Working in partnership, Nottingham City and Derby City Councils secured £161 million to invest in local transport infrastructure that will improve sustainable transport, support growth, and encourage more low carbon journeys.

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