A substantial traffic light upgrade project at Mitre Island is now complete.

The improvements have been carried out to make the junction, nicknamed Spider Island, more efficient, reduce journey times for car users and buses whilst improving air quality.

As part of the scheme, all traffic signal equipment at the junction has been replaced with new smart technology that uses less cabling and is more energy efficient.

An additional feature is equipment that will better detect standing vehicle and pedestrians whilst prioritising buses and speeding up journeys. This programme will improve traffic flow around the junction and reduce journey times for all road users, and make bus travel a more attractive, reliable option.

As with several other recent transport improvements across the city in, tackling air quality  has played a big part in these changes. The improved traffic flow around Mitre Island should mean less standing traffic and less congestion.

This project was originally approved by Cabinet in 2020/2021, with the funding coming from the National Bus Service Improvement Plan.

This completion comes as a consultation is underway on proposals to introduce bus lanes between Mitre Island and Nightingale Road.

Councillor Carmel Swan, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainability, said:

These upgrades come as we continue to connect our communities and create greener transport options. We can only do this if we have the right infrastructure in place.

I’m delighted that we’ve been able to complete yet another scheme as we continue with our mission to create a greener, more sustainable city.

Going forward we will continue to champion sustainable travel and deliver the improvements that our city needs.

The Council continues to work with partners through the Enhanced Partnership Plan to identify and fund future bus enhancements through its Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). The National Bus Strategy calls on Local Transport Authorities to deliver better services through their BSIP.

Work to improve bus services sits alongside a larger programme around the city as the Council continues to invest in local transport and build a strong network. This includes upgrades to traffic signalling and active and sustainable travel infrastructure such as cycle lanes and EV charging points.