A new consultation has launched to help shape Derby’s new Local Plan.

Citizens have until Monday 25 March 2024 to share what matters to them and help shape what the Derby of the future could look like.

Derby’s population is growing, the way we work and shop is changing, and we are becoming more aware of environmental issues like climate change. The Government has also increased the number of new homes we need to plan for in Derby.

All this means we need to build more homes and workplaces and ensure people can access the facilities they need in a sustainable and healthy way.

The Local Plan will set out the vision for future development in the city, guiding decisions on new development proposals. As part of developing the Local Plan we need to demonstrate that enough land has been identified to deliver the new homes, workplaces and supporting infrastructure that the city needs.

Derby citizens can now shape how we respond to these challenges by taking part in our Local Plan consultation.

This initial consultation will help inform what goes into the main proposals, which will go out for  separate consultation at a later date.

Councillor Shiraz Khan, Cabinet Member for Property, Housing and Regulatory Services, said:

“I’m delighted that this initial consultation is underway. As demand for housing, and accompanying infrastructure, continues to rise, it’s important that we have a clear plan that puts Derby on the right footing for a successful future.

“We want to make sure this plan captures the things our residents value. There are some things that we must include in our plans, but this consultation is a chance for you to let us know what matters to you.”

The Local Plan consultation is open until Monday 25 March 2024 on the Lets Talk Derby website. You can also request a paper copy from the Planning Policy Team by emailing planningpolicy@derby.gov.uk