Derby’s Mayor will soon be switching his bed for the cells to raise money for charity.

The Mayor of Derby, Councillor Alan Graves, will be spending the night in Derby’s famous former gaol on Wednesday 3 April to raise money for his two chosen charities: Jericho House and Parental Alienation Awareness.

Located on Friar Gate, the gaol (pronounced ‘jail’) housed prisoners in two underground cell blocks between 1756 and 1828. Now a museum run by former Most Haunted expert, Richard Felix, the gaol is believed to be one of the most haunted spots in the country.

Councillor Graves is looking for citizens and organisations to sponsor his stay in the cells - the more sponsorship is received, the longer he’s prepared to stay locked up.

Each year, the Mayor chooses a charity or charities close to their heart to support throughout their term in office. This year, the Mayor is supporting Jericho House, a Derby based nine-bedroom residential addiction recovery project. Jericho House provides a holistic approach to drug addiction, along with housing and re-settlement support. Their work assists service users to achieve a higher quality of life and in realise their full potential.

Councillor Graves is also supporting Parental Alienation Awareness, an advocacy and signposting service, that works with other agencies, charities and professional​s to raise awareness of the effects of parental alienation and provide education on the subject. 

Councillor Graves said:

I’m not really looking forward to spending a night in the cells although I will do it to raise money for two very worthy charities. Both Parental Alienation Awareness and Jericho House do brilliant work and it’s fantastic that I can also raise awareness of their invaluable contribution to society.

So whether you’re able to sponsor a little or a lot, please consider getting involved. The more you donate, the longer I’m prepared to stay locked up!

Anyone wanting to sponsor the Mayor's stay in the cells can do so via JustGiving. For more information, contact Civic Support on or 01332 643066.

You can find out more about these organisations on the Jericho House and Parental Alienation Awareness websites.