The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has launched a campaign to encourage businesses to display their food hygiene rating online.

The campaign comes as new research released by the FSA shows that despite the widespread use of Facebook, Instagram and websites with online ordering capabilities, only a small minority of businesses display their food hygiene rating online.

The research showed that only around one in 10 businesses were displaying a food hygiene rating online, despite widespread agreement that displaying a rating resulted in more customers.

The FSA has produced an online display guide, with free images and other resources for businesses to help them display their food hygiene rating on their website and social media platforms.

Displaying the food hygiene rating shows customers that these businesses take food hygiene safety seriously and builds trust in the local community. This is increasingly important as more and more customers search for food businesses online. 

Derby City Council is supporting the FSA’s campaign to help local food businesses promote their commitment to food safety. 

Councillor Shiraz Khan, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services said:

We are very supportive of the Food Standards Agency's campaign and I'd like to encourage food businesses in Derby to display their rating online.

Environmental Health Officers work proactively with businesses to ensure that food safety requirements are met and we have now around 1300 food businesses in the city with a 4 or 5 star rating, and this is something for us to be proud of!

Displaying those ratings online shows dedication to quality, commitment to safety and builds trust with the local community.  Whether customers are ordering food online or visiting a local restaurant or takeaway, safety should always be a priority.

Business owners are encouraged to check out the latest guidance on the FSA website for ways to promote their hygiene rating online