When Martin Balog’s consultant explained he needed to quit smoking before having surgery on his feet, it came as a surprise. He didn’t realise that smoking can delay wound and bones healing and increase the risk of infection. 

This news, combined with a recent diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reaffirmed Martin’s decision to get specialist advice to stop smoking.

Thanks to Livewell’s support and free treatments, 41-year-old Martin is now celebrating four months smoke free and is hoping to get the go-ahead for his operation soon. 

He is backing this year’s Stoptober campaign, which encourages people to quit during the month of October. Studies show that if you can stop smoking for 28 days, you’re five times more likely to stop for good. 

Dad-of-five Martin has smoked since he was 15. He moved to Derby from Slovakia 12 years ago. After struggling with wheezing and coughing, Martin discovered earlier this year that he has COPD – a group of lung conditions that causes restricted airflow and breathing difficulties. 

Smoking is the most common cause and the condition usually affects older adults. Martin had, like many smokers, tried before to stop smoking but, this time, he decided it was even more important to quit.

Livewell advisor Casey supported Martin, who speaks limited English, to discuss nicotine replacement treatment options, manage his cravings and understand his COPD diagnosis.

She said: 

Martin received his diagnosis at the start of his quit journey. He didn’t understand it fully, so we went through the NHS information together in more detail.

He attended the drop-ins fortnightly to collect nicotine patches, have a chat and get a carbon monoxide test so he could see his levels dropping and staying at a safe level.

Now that Martin has passed the short-term withdrawal stage, he’s feeling better and has already saved around £1,000 he would have spent on cigarettes. He hopes his story will inspire others, particularly those from Eastern European backgrounds, to join the Stoptober challenge. 

He said:

The nicotine patches helped overcome the cravings and my breathing is much easier now I’ve quit. Casey was brilliant, she explained COPD in a way I could understand and gave me lots of encouragement.

The doctor was also pleased with my recent breathing tests. Getting the right support and free products makes all the difference.

Casey added:

Martin had a strong motivation to keep going and he understood the importance of how quitting would benefit his health and breathlessness. He should be proud of his achievement.

Inspired to quit?

The official Stoptober challenge begins on Tuesday 1 October and people can choose to stop as part of the campaign until the end of October. 

However, smokers can quit any time with the help of Livewell, which offers 12 months of free support and stop smoking treatments to Derby residents. To sign up and book a phone appointment to get started, go to the Livewell website.

Livewell has advisors who speak Bengali, Urdu, Slovakian, Czech and Polish. However, all our trained advisors engage with translator services to support people to make positive lifestyle changes.

Go to the Livewell website for more information or call the team on 01332 641254.