Currently showing results 11 to 20 of 26
44% of statutory school aged pupils at Boulton primary schools receive the pupil premium. ... 24% of statutory school aged pupils at Chellaston primary schools are receive the pupil premium.
If your child does not have an EHCP, please apply for a primary or secondary school place online. ... If you would like to comment about the school admission's web pages please fill in the Website Feedback Form.
Information in the PAC publications will also help with questions you may want to ask primary schools and secondary schools. ... Your local authority has a school admissions department and they are responsible for ensuring your child gets a school place.
Primary school governor. Governors do not have to be a particular type of person. ... Jason Coupland, Chair of Governors, Silverhill Primary School. If you are interested in becoming a governor contact the Governor Support team and provide:.
The local authority will often provide the admissions service for schools in its area, but if the school is an academy, it may be necessary to apply direct to the school. ... To find out about the availability of school places in Derby schools, the
However, compulsory school age is on a particular date after their fifth birthday. ... If you would like to comment about the school admission's web pages please fill in the Website Feedback Form.
Schools must put arrangements in place to support your child's individual needs. ... Visit our School admissions pages for more information about how and when to apply.
Visit the schools admissions appeals page for more information. Can I get help with transport to the school? ... If you would like to comment about the school admission's web pages please fill in the Website Feedback Form.
Information about school admissions and children in primary and secondary schools.
Please refer to GOV.UK website guidance School admissions: applications for overseas children. ... If you would like to comment about the school admission's web pages please fill in the Website Feedback Form.