Historical birth searches
What records do we hold ?
The Derby Register Officer holds all the births, marriage and death records for the Derby Registration District from 1 July 1837 to the present day. We can also access some of the Shardlow district records as well as the sub-districts of Spondon, Melbourne and Repton.
We can conduct a five-year search within your certificate application fee. Unfortunately, we are unable to conduct an open-ended general search of our indexes. Alternatively. you may wish to search the Registrar General’s indexes online on one of the many commercial family history sites.
We offer a standard service for either 2nd class post or collection from The Registry Office, Royal Oak House, Market Place, Derby, DE1 3AR after five working days.
Please note, there are no facilities for copy certificates to be ordered in person at The Registry Office.
If the record is not held by the Derby Office, please contact the register office where the event occurred.
Standard service
- cost £12.50
- can be posted 2nd class or collected from Royal Oak House after five working days
Royal Oak House, Market Place, Derby, DE1 3AR
Opening times
- Monday to Thursday form 9am to 4.30pm
- Friday from 9am to 4pm
To order a certificate, you can use our online application forms. If the record was not issued by the Derby Office, please contact the register office where the record was issued.
What information do I need to provide?
- the year in which a particular event was registered
- the place where the event was registered
- the name of the individual or individuals involved.
For further advice on records of Derby City or genealogy, please contact us or go to the Government's Researching Family History website.
Any questions?
If you have a question or comment regarding historical searches please contact us.