Contact us
myAccount is our online account portal where you can book, apply, report and pay for services in a simple, clear and personalised way.
If you can't find what you're looking for, the quickest and easiest way to contact us is through Darcie, our digital helper, or using our contact us formOpens in new tab.
You can telephone us on 01332 640000 between Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays). Deaf people can text 07774 333412.
If you call outside of these times, you can still speak to Darcie, our digital helper, but will not be able to speak to a member of staff.
Other phone lines are also available from Monday to Friday (except bank holidays):
- Adults and Children's Social Care: 9am to 5pm
- Blue Badge: Monday to Friday from 10am to 12pm
- Council Tax: 9am to 12pm
- Customer feedback: 9am to 1pm
- Housing Benefits: 9am to 3pm
- Fostering: 9am to 5pm
- Streetpride: 9am to 1pm
- Parking: 9am to 1pm
- Pest Control: 9am to 1pm
- Registrars: 9am to 1pm
Other service opening times may vary.
Opening hours may change during bank holidays and over the Christmas and New Year period.
BSL signed video interpretation service
If you are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can contact us using the online sign language service.
In person
The Council House is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm at:
Derby City Council
Council House
Corporation Street
Our Customer self-service booths at the Council House are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Our Customer Service Centre is open from 9am to 1pm.
Other services' opening times may vary.
Our Benefits and Council Tax advice services are available in the Council House by appointment only.
Social care out-of-hours support
Derby City Care Line is the out-of-hours emergency social work service for people living in or visiting Derby.
It operates Monday to Friday from 5pm to 9am, with a 24-hour service during weekends and bank holidays.
- Phone: 01332 956606 (for members of the public)
- Phone: 01332 956607 (for professionals)
- People who are hard of hearing or Deaf please email or text 07812 300177
Website feedback
You can complete our website feedback form for any comments you have about our online services.