Tests and assessments
Throughout a young person's school career they will have various standardised tests that let you and the school know how well the young person is doing:
Year 1 phonics screen checking
The check will take place in June when each child will read 40 words to a teacher. You'll find out how your child did, and their teacher will assess whether he or she needs extra help with reading. If your child doesn't do well enough in the check they'll do it again in year 2.
Key stage 1
Key stage 1 tasks and tests cover:
- reading
- grammar, punctuation and spelling
- maths.
Schools also provide teacher assessments of children's attainment in:
- reading
- writing
- maths
- science.
Schools will assess whether children are:
- working at the expected standards
- working towards the expected standards
- working at greater depth within the expected standard.
Key stage 2
Key stage 2 tests cover:
- English reading
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling
- maths (including mental arithmetic).
The tests are taken in May and you'll get the results in July. If a child is demonstrating higher achievement, they may do extra tests.
At the end of key state 2, teachers will also report on progress in writing, reading, maths and science. In writing, each child will be judged as:
- working towards the expected standard
- working at the expected standard or
- working at greater depth within the expected standard.
In reading, maths and science, children will be grouped into two categories:
- 'working at the expected standard'
- an additional category for children who do not meet that standard.
The Virtual School tracks children's progress closely. Schools send us information about children's progress each term and targets are set and reviewed at PEP meetings. We want all children in care to make good progress over time and in relation to their starting points.
Key stage 4
During key stage 4 most pupils work towards national qualifications - usually GCSEs. The compulsory national curriculum subjects are the 'core' and 'foundation' subjects.
- core subjects are: English, maths, science
- foundation subjects are: information and communication technology (ICT), physical education, citizenship.
Schools must also offer at least one subject from each of these areas: arts, design and technology, humanities, modern foreign languages.
They must also provide religious education (RE) and sex education at key stage 4. Pupils don't have to take exams in religious studies but schools must provide at least one course where pupils can get a recognised RE qualification at key stage 4 and above.
English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
In performance tables, the EBacc shows how many students got a GCSE grade C or above in a range of academic subjects - English, maths, two science subjects, a language, and history or geography.