Relationships and sex education
Relationships and sex education
Relationships and sex education (RSE) aims to support every child to be happy, healthy and safe. It includes learning about puberty, hygiene, sex, sexual health, friendships, relationships and families. At your child’s school this will be taught at a pace and level that is appropriate for your child.
RSE can help them to process and understand body changes and sexual feelings, understand appropriate behaviour, develop healthy relationships and know how to stay safe.
Why is this important for children with SEND?
Children with SEND are often more vulnerable because:
- they may rely on others for personal and intimate care
- they may have communication barriers that make it hard for them to express their choices, understand what’s happening to them, or keep themselves safe.
Some of the challenges that your child may experience when learning about RSE include:
- sensory concerns for example, the feel of body fluids
- concerns about growing into adulthood
- behaviours such as masturbation in public, or lack awareness of boundaries
- the need for information to be presented in specific ways, such as symbols or through objects
- taking learning very literally, or finding it difficult to transfer and apply in their own lives.
Each child is unique and has a different story. Their needs can vary a lot and so they need a very personalised approach. Whatever their level of understanding, every child’s body goes through puberty. Most will have crushes or develop sexual feelings. Many will have intimate relationships in adulthood.
In this video you will hear from parents and carers about some of the challenges they have experienced and the support they received.
Information, advice and support services
- The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has created three short films to help young people aged 11 to 25 years old with learning disabilities learn about relationships, emotions and staying safe.
- Talking about sex and relationships can be difficult and even embarrassing for some people. Sexual Health D&G has easy read sexual and reproduction health services leaflets.
- For people with learning disabilities, Mencap provides help and support about sexuality and relationships.
- Supported Loving highlights the importance of good support for people with autism/learning disabilities to form and maintain close relationships. It also publishes Supported Loving toolkit, blogs, news and other resources.
- Brook Young People's Information Service is an information, support and signposting service for young people under 25 on sexual health. They also run a confidential enquiry service on the website.
- Change People has lots of easy read resources from safe sex and contraception to pregnancy and parenting.