About the Adopted Local Plan
The Adopted Local Plan forms the statutory development plan for the city, alongside the remaining 'saved' policies of the City of Derby Local Plan Review (2006). It provides the city's development strategy until 2028 and policies which will be used for determining all future planning applications submitted to us.
We adopted the Derby City Local Plan Part 1 - Core Strategy on 25 January 2017.
It is the key planning document for the city which:
- sets out a long-term strategy for the spatial development of Derby to 2028
- provides a framework for promoting and managing development.
Our interactive policies map shows how the policies in the Local Plan Part 1 and the City of Derby Local Plan Review affect different parts of the city.
Supporting information
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Derby City Local Plan Part 1: The Core Strategy
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Derby City Local Plan Part 1: The Core Strategy. Technical Appendix A: Site Proformas
- Derby Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary
- Sustainability Appraisal – Addendum Report – Implications of Proposed Minor Modifications
- Proposed Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal August 2016
- DCC Local Plan Part 1 Adoption Statement
- Minor Modifications Adoption 2017
Local plan part 1 examination
Information relating to the examination can be found on the Local Plan, Part 1 Core Strategy Examination page.
Review of the local plan
From 25 January 2022, the Local Plan Part 1 has been in place for over five years.
A review of the plan has been carried out by officers, in accordance with Regulation 10a The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). This is to make sure that the plan and its policies are still effective, and to identify any areas which need to be reviewed.
Carrying out the review
The review considered whether:
- there has been a significant change in circumstances affecting the plan’s strategy
- it remains up to date and consistent with current national planning policy in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2021.
It was done as a self-assessment, using relevant parts of the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) Local Plan Route Mapper Toolkit. The review was approved by Cabinet on 8 December 2021.
Conclusion of the review
The review concluded that the local plan’s policies no longer reflect the national policy for housing delivery. This is because the Government’s standard methodology for calculating housing needs changed in December 2020. The methodology now includes an extra 35% for local authorities in the top 20 urban centres in England (by population), including Derby.
As meeting housing needs is a key part of plan, the review concluded that a new local plan is needed to address the revised housing requirements.
More information about the review in the cabinet report for preparing a new local plan for Derby, and the local plan review assessment appendix.