What's happening at Alvaston Park?
The work at Alvaston Park includes a lake improvement project creating areas of marginal planting around the lake and clearing areas of invasive reeds.
Work in Alvaston Park is now complete.
A refuge for young fish will be created by selected tree removal and excavation of a channel and lagoon area into the low lying riverside, (above the fisherman’s car park).
Tree works
Tree works have been undertaken to the areas of Sowter Road public open space, Bass’s Recreation Ground, Pride Park and Alvaston Park riverside.
The removal of selected bankside trees will open up views of the river and provide areas where new native shrubs and marginal plants can be planted to create a more diverse habitat. Additional tree management works will be carried out to remove deadwood and overhanging limbs.
Bird and bat boxes have been installed as part of the Woodland management.