What does the Leaving Care team do?
We are your ‘corporate parents’ which means, it is our responsibility to be good parents to all young people in our care.
Being a good parent means keeping you safe and providing you with the highest possible level of support to meet your individual needs. We can help you to access housing, education and training, work experience, health services and we are here to support you to make the most of leaving care. We will give you advice on obtaining a suitable placement, help with education, employment and training programmes. We will give you advice, encouragement and financial advice to help you make the most of your journey through the care system.
Your personal advisor (PA)
The Leaving Care Service is based at Connexions on Curzon Street. Our team is made up of personal advisors (PA) who have a duty to provide you with support and assistance. We have to provide this support to you until you are 21 (or 25 if you want).
When you turn 18, you will no longer have a social worker and your PA will become your main worker and continue working with you at least until the age of 21. However, the Leaving Care Service can continue to work with you until you are 25 subject to your agreement.
Your PA will keep in contact and arrange meetings with you; they will visit you at home and also arrange to meet you in the community.
Your decisions and choices
As a young adult, the decisions and choices you make are your own – after all, you will have to live with the consequences. Your personal advisor will provide you with advice, information and guidance to help you make the best choices and decisions. The relationship between you and your personal advisor is important, make the most of your personal advisor, treat them with respect and keep in touch.
Your pathway plan
Young people between the ages of 16-20 who are in care or who are a care leaver will have a pathway plan, your first pathway plan meeting will be part of your annual looked after review. This will be based on and include your care plan and any personal education plan (PEP) you have. The pathway plan has information on the best way to support you towards full independence and onwards into adulthood. It will cover your education, employment, health, finance, social needs, relationships and housing. The plan is written in a way that should meet your individual needs; it will capture your hopes for the future and include your views and key messages.
Your pathway plan will be regularly reviewed with you, at least every 6 months. These meetings will check that your goals and milestones are still right and are being met.