How do I apply for a service?
To access any of our services you will need to ask a professional who knows your child to complete an Early Help Assessment form. A professional may be a:
- school teacher
- community nurse
- health visitor
- paediatrician
- occupational therapist
- physiotherapist
- doctor (GP).
Early Help Assessment form and guidance can be downloaded or or you can request or you can request it by emailing us at or by telephone on 01332 256990.
You must provide evidence of diagnoses by including at least one of the following with the Early Help Assessment:
- A psychiatric report.
- A psychologist report.
- Confirmation of diagnosis from a paediatrician.
- A completed Education Health Care Plan.
If we do not receive this evidence, we will not be able to consider your request.
You may include any other relevant assessments you think will support the referral.
The completed Early Help Assessment form and evidence of diagnosis should then be sent to our Single Point of Access who will make sure we have all the information we need.
The Early Help Assessment will be discussed by managers at a weekly meeting, known as VCM Panel. A senior member from each service at the Light House comes to the meeting and they decide which service they think is best for your child and family.
The VCM Panel may decide to accept your child for a service, or they may need to speak to the person who referred you to gain additional information. We will then write to you with the Panel’s decision.
If you need any further information or help to complete the Early Help Assessment, please telephone us on 01332 956457 or email