Concerned about a rough sleeper
If you have seen someone you believe to be rough sleeping, our Rehousing Engagement Support Team (REST) would like to offer them support.
Please let us know:
- directly by email:
- through StreetLink.
To help us when reporting a rough sleeper, please tell us:
- where and when you saw them
- what clothes they’re wearing
- any distinguishing features.
How you can support rough sleepers
If you would like to support rough sleepers there are several charities in Derby city centre who support homeless people. They often have volunteering opportunities and also welcome charitable donations.
Charities in Derby who welcome your donations and support
Extra help for rough sleepers during severe cold weather
Derby has a Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP). SWEP is open from December to March offering shelter to rough sleepers. Access to the provision is through our REST outreach services.
Email our Rehousing Engagement Support Team: