Domestic abuse and homelessness

If it is a safe option, you could stay with friends or relatives while you think about what to do next.

If you're a woman leaving domestic abuse, you may want to approach a women's refuge, where additional support is available. You will be assigned your own support worker, who will assess your current and future needs, including rehousing.

You will be able to bring your children with you to a refuge.

For more information about refuges, contact Refuge the National Domestic Abuse Helpline. Free call on 0808 2000247. 

If you are man who has to leave home because of domestic abuse, contact us at Housing Options. Call 01332 888777 (choose option 4).

There is limited specialist housing for men experiencing domestic abuse, however there will still be options and support available to you.

We may be able to secure your home through our Sanctuary Scheme and assign you an outreach worker.

The Sanctuary Scheme carries out safety works in your home such as changing locks, fire proof letter boxes and panic rooms. This is a free service accessed through your housing advisor, housing association or the police.