Private tenant at risk of becoming homeless
If your landlord has told you that they want to end your tenancy, get advice as soon as possible.
Your landlord has to follow certain rules if they want you to leave their property, depending on the type of tenancy you have.
Your rights as a private tenant
Different types of tenancy give you different rights. Check which type of tenancy you have. Shelter’s tenancy rights checkerOpens in new tab has information and guides to your legal status.
Disputes with your landlord
If you are involved in a dispute with your landlord you can get advice from us at Housing Options.
You have been asked to leave
Make sure you get advice before you leave. Make an appointment with us for advice at Housing Options.
Your landlord has to notify you in writing if they want to evict you from their property.
Shelter has more information about eviction notices from private landlordsOpens in new tab.
Landlord harassment or illegal eviction
It is illegal for your landlord or anyone acting on their behalf to harass you.
If you’re being harassed by your landlord or think that you’re being evicted illegally, you can get help from us at Housing Options.
If your landlord is trying to forcibly remove you without a warrant or threatening you with violence call the police immediately.
More information about how to deal with harassment from landlords or agentsOpens in new tab can be found on the Shelter website.
We can help you at Housing Options. Call us on 01332 888777 or email