Complaints - smoking in a Smokefree area
The Food and Safety Team can investigate all complaints in relation to smoking within a smokefree premises or vehicles. You can make a complaint by completing the Complaint record form or alternatively by contacting us.
We do not accept anonymous complaints. You will have to provide your name and contact details. All of your details will be kept confidential and will not be released.
For more serious complaints we may take court action in which case you may be required to give evidence in court.
Before making a complaint please see the frequently asked questions to see if this resolves the issue.
What happens once I have complained?
The level of investigation will depend upon the nature of the complaint, the risk posed to health, the professional judgement of the investigating officer and previous knowledge of the history of the food business. The investigation may take up to six weeks or maybe longer.
At the end of the investigation the officer will normally contact you to inform you of the findings and to let you know if further action is being taken.