Littleover Lane and Brayfield Road speed calming
Over the years, some residents of Littleover Lane and Brayfield Road have expressed concern about speeding traffic.
These concerns have increased since the pandemic and are why local Councillors agreed to prioritise the location for review. The purpose of the review was firstly to consider the safety record along both Littleover Lane and Brayfield Road and secondly to undertake a consultation to confirm if residents would support the introduction of speed cushions if formally recommended – as illustrated on the plan TMT05.
In summary, a review of speeds show good adherence levels, with an average of approximately 26mph and 85th percentile (the speed at or below which 85% of vehicles are travelling) at just under 30mph. An investigation of road traffic injury collisions confirmed only three slight injury collisions over the last five years; the causes of which are unrelated to speed.
Two public consultations were conducted with residents living within the area of Littleover Lane and Brayfield Road.
The first consultation was held for a period of three weeks at the start of 2023 from Monday 16 January to Monday 6 of February. The second was conducted for the same length of time from Monday 15 May to Monday 5 June 2023.
The second consultation increased the response rate to just under 37%, encouraging an additional 98 residents to engage. The results of both consultations showed, of those that responded, most residents were in favour, with approximately 75% supporting the proposal compared to 24% that didn’t. However, given a large majority of residents failed to respond (circa 60%), the level of overall engagement is still significantly below what is required to be confident of confirming community support. Traffic calming has proven to be controversial in the past. With this in mind, the Council normally require over 50% of all residents to engage to be confident of local opinion. This is because on previous occasions traffic calming has been implemented and later withdrawn at significant public expense.
More information is available in the Project Report.