Hampshire Road
Derby City Council (Hampshire Road) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Amendment to Map Based Schedule) (No.131) Order 2023
Derby City Council has made this Traffic Regulation Order on 8th February 2024, which comes into effect on 12th February 2024 under Sections 1, 2, 4, 9, 32, 35, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53 and part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and under the Traffic Management Act 2004 and all other enabling powers in that behalf.
The purpose of the order will be to introduce:
No Waiting (At Any Time)
- Hampshire Road on both sides at the vehicle entrance to Beaufort Community Primary School, on the north side across the subway for approximately 15m, on the south side from lighting column LC11060 for approximately 15m eastwards and opposite the entrance to St Giles Spencer Academy.
Copies of the order and a copy of the Authority’s Statement of Reasons for making the order:
- Sealed Order - Hampshire Road
- Statement of Reasons - Hampshire Road
- N16 (Rev 3) - Hampshire Road
- N17 (Rev 3) - Hampshire Road
Anyone wishing to question the validity of the order on the grounds that it is outside the powers of the acts or because it does not comply with any requirement or regulations made under it, may, within six weeks of the date of the order apply to the High Court for this purpose.
Verna Bayliss
Director of City Sustainability
DATED this 9th Day of February 2024