Hate crime
Hate crimes and incidents can happen in many different ways. It can be because of hatred of someone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or because of someone being a disabled person.
Hate crimes and incidents in any form are wrong and this is why it is important that if it happens to you or someone you know - it needs to be reported.
Reporting does make a difference - to you, your friends, and our community. By reporting hate crimes and incidents when they happen, you can stop it from happening to someone else. You will also help the Police to understand the level of hate crime and incidents in our local area and improve the way they respond to them.
What is hate crime?
A hate crime is any crime which is perceived, by the victim or anyone else, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone because of:
- disability
- race or ethnic origin
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity.
It can be against the individual or their property.
What is a hate incident?
Hate incidents are non-crime incidents, but can feel like a crime to those who suffer them. Just as a hate crime it is an incident that is perceived by the victim or anyone else, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone, because of:
- disability
- race or ethnic origin
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity.
The Police can only prosecute if the law is broken, but can work with partners in the community and with offenders to try and prevent these types of incidents happening and turning into hate crimes.
Full definitions of hate crimes and incidents are on the True Vision website, which is owned by the Association of Chief Police Officers and gives lots of useful information about hate crimes and incidents.
Examples of hate crimes and incidents
All hate crimes and incidents should be reported, whether you have been a victim, a witness or you are reporting on behalf of someone else. These incidents may include:
- verbal abuse
- physical assault
- domestic abuse
- harassment
- damage to property.
If someone is bullied because of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, this is also dealt with either as a hate crime or a non-crime hate incident.
Bullying includes:
- name calling
- being kicked or spat at
- having your things taken or damaged.
You can find some examples of hate crimes on the Stop Hate UK website.
Other examples include:
- physical attacks - such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbourhood disputes and arson
- threat of attack - including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls, texts or emails, hanging around to intimidate you, unfounded malicious complaints
- verbal abuse or insults - offensive leaflets and posters, abusive gestures, dumping rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes and bullying at school or at work.
How do I report a hate crime or incident?
Everyone has the right to live without fear and harassment, and so it is really important that you do report a hate crime or incident. You can report it in several ways, whether you have been a victim, a witness, or you are reporting on behalf of someone else.
In an emergency call 999
Deaf people can contact the emergency services through SMS text from your mobile phone, if you are registered with the emergency SMS. See the emergency SMS website for details.
Contact the police
You can speak to them in confidence. You don't have to give your personal details, but if the police cannot contact you, this limits the investigation and ability to prosecute.
You can contact the local police:
- by telephone on 101 (non-emergency)
- SMS text messaging for deaf people: 07800 002 414
- email for deaf people: deafsms@derbyshire.pnn.police.uk
- minicom or textphone: 18001 101
- visiting your local police station
- use the Derbyshire Constabulary website.
You can also contact the police anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Text Relay users should use 18001 0800 555 111.
Stop Hate UK
We know that not everyone wants or is able to contact the police to report hate crimes or incidents, so in Derbyshire you can report them and get initial support and advice through Stop Hate UK.
This is a 24-hour free phone service for victims and witnesses. Stop Hate UK is totally independent of the police and will not pass on callers details without your consent. If a caller wishes though, Stop Hate UK will report the incident to the police for you.
Contact them on 0800 138 1625 or for Deaf People Text Relay on 18001 0800 138 1625.
True Vision
This is a national police campaign aimed at raising awareness of hate crime, specifically in relation to transgender, sexuality, race and religion or belief.
Visit the True Vision website.
Report a Community Tension
We collect information about community tension – any activity that may lead to disorder or threaten the peace and stability of our communities.
Organisations that can help
You can also get advice, information, and support from a range of local and national organisations.
A voluntary organisation run by and for hearing-impaired people.
- Telephone: 01332 258143
- Email: camtad@camtad.org
For hate crime affecting adults, telephone: 01332 640777 (during office hours).
For hate crime affecting children, telephone: 01332 641172 (during office hours).
Deaf people can text 07774 333412.
You can also contact us through the sign language service.
Promotes equality for Deaf People.
- Fax: 01332 758188
- Email: secretary@derbydeaf.co.uk
Support for Derby Homes tenants.
- Telephone: 01332 711001
- Minicom: 01332 888555
- Support line: 0800 612 6505
- SMS: Text 'CORE' to 82055
- Email support@derbyshirecore.org
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans support service.
- Telephone: 01332 207704
- Minicom 01332 349333
- Email: info@derbyshirelgbt.org.uk
Information and support for refugees and people seeking asylum.
- Telephone: 01332 294436
(Drop-in session at the gallery - Place of Welcome, 35-36 Queen Street, Derby DE1 3DS - Tuesday and Thursday, 10am to 4pm)
Advocacy, information and support service.
- Telephone: 01332 341633
- Email: derbywomencentre@aol.com
Advice and information service for disabled people.
- Telephone: 01332 299449
- Text relay: 18001 01332 299449
- Email: info@disabilitydirectderby.co.uk
Contact Derby Careline.
- Telephone: 080 8808 1111
- Text relay: 18001 080 8808 1111
Housing advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers.
- Telephone: 01332 334520
- Text relay: 18001 01332 334520
Supports people with learning difficulties, their families, carers and professionals affected by trauma and abuse.
- Website: www.respond.org.uk
- Telephone: 080 8808 0700
- Text relay: 18001 080 8808 0700
Promotes equality for visually-impaired people.
- Telephone/fax: 01332 292262
- Email: enquiries@sightsupportderbyshire.org.uk
Supports victims of anti-Muslim hate crime
- Telephone: 0800 456 1226
- SMS: 0115 707 00 07
- Email: info@tellmammauk.org
Provides support and information for anyone affected by crime.
- Telephone: 01332 349956
- Text relay: 18001 01332 349956