Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
The Childcare Act 2006 states that all local authorities must map and review the availability of childcare in their local area. It states that local authorities should ensure, where reasonably practicable, that there is sufficient childcare to meet the needs of working parents and sufficient childcare places for children who are eligible for funded early education.
Derby City Council aims to review childcare sufficiency annually and publishes the associated Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) reports so that parents and providers can clearly understand Derby’s childcare market and the actions that the Council are undertaking to map supply, assess demand and identify any gaps.
The 0 to 5-year-old CSA 2023 focuses on the availability of childcare for pre-school children and Out of School CSA 2023 assessments considers before, after and holiday childcare for school aged children.
If you would like to access historic assessments, contact