Language and cultural support
The Ethnic Minority Achievement Team (EMAT) works with Derby city schools, partners and voluntary organisations to improve access to the curriculum by:
- black and minority ethnic (BME) pupils at risk of underachievement
- pupils of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritages
- pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL).
We offer:
- advice, guidance and support with meeting the needs of BME and EAL pupils
- support for initial language assessment
- one-to-one and group support for new arrivals with EAL and advanced bilingual learners
- support for BME pupils at risk of exclusion
- development of classroom teaching strategies including differentiation, planning and modelling of lessons
- customised in-school training
- centrally provided training for teachers and teaching assistants
- home school liaison support
- guidance for working with parents of BME pupils
- parents' surgery for Polish speaking parents
- GCSE support in community languages.
In addition to this, we also co-ordinate support for pupils with EAL needs attending schools in Derbyshire on behalf of Derbyshire County Council.
We seek to:
- facilitate the inclusion of BME pupils and those with EAL needs
- enhance the progress of targeted pupils
- support schools in raising standards
- increase professional awareness of and ability to address issues impacting on BME and EAL pupils
- ensure that inclusion and access remains at the forefront of our work.