About the Local Offer
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families, information about what support services will be available in their area.
Every local authority must talk with children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families to find out what sort of support and services are needed. There will be many different types of services that children and young people may need, including support services in school and specialist health services.
Children, young people and their families may also have ideas about what leisure activities should be available, and what services are needed to help young people move towards independence in adulthood.
Every local authority must have a Local Offer that is available online, and must make sure that people without access to the internet can also see it. The local authority must tell children and young people and their families how they can find out more about the Local Offer. The local authority will then decide what services to make available.
Every local authority must get feedback on its local offer from young people and their families. They must show what feedback they have been given and say how they are going to make improvements to the Local Offer and services.
A Local Offer should also include information about what transport services are available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and if there is any help available to pay for these services.
Follow Derby's SEND Local Offer on Facebook.
You may also want to visit the Derbyshire Local Offer to see what is available across the county.
Every year we publish an annual report to give an update on how the Local Offer has developed in the past year.
Get involved, have your say
We want to know what you think of our Local Offer so that it works better for you.
Local Offer User Group
The User Group meets four times a year to discuss and approve new and revised content for the Local Offer webpages. This is in collaboration with parent carers, professionals and other representatives from related organisations. These Terms of Reference expand on the purpose of the group. We are always looking for parent carers interested in joining the group. Please email Local.Offer@derby.gov.uk to express your interest.
- User Group meeting notes 24/10/24
- User Group meeting notes 18/06/24
- User Group meeting notes 26/09/23
- User Group meeting notes 13/07/23
Derby's Local Offer is monitored at the local area co-production delivery group. This group includes representatives from parent groups and the voluntary sector, as well as representatives for agencies and services across the local area. They are responsible for making sure that the Local Offer continues to develop and reflect the experiences of young people and their families across the city. When we need to develop or update areas of the Local Offer, we will arrange small working groups or talks with champions from across local services.
Derby's Parent Carer Forum
You can make a difference by joining Derby’s Parent Carer Forum.
- Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person 0-25 years who has special educational needs and or a disability (SEND)?
- Would you like to be involved in the design, development and implementation of services for your child or young person?
- Would you be interested in how parent carer forums are involved with services locally, regionally and nationally?
Please email catherine.ratcliffe@cafamily.org.uk to express your interest.
You said, we did
We will always listen to your feedback to help us to improve the way the Local Offer works.
Summer term feedback 2024
You said | We did |
You said to use the Derbyshire Local Offer as a basis for updating the Health and wellbeing pages |
We met with the Designated Clinical Officer to understand the updates that would be appropriate for the Derby Local Offer |
You said rename the Neurodiversity page to Neurodevelopmental support in line with the Derbyshire Local Offer | We renamed this page and added a page of content to match that of the Derbyshire Local Offer where appropriate |
You said to expand on Relationships and sex education | We added more content to our page Becoming an adult and preparing for the future |
You said we needed to add information about Occupational therapy | We created a new page to cover other types of therapies |
You said the specialist nursing page needed a new heading | We renamed the page to include paedriatic services |
You said services for asthma, epilepsy and diabetes should be included | We included information about all three conditions in specialist nursing |
You said to add a new section on Children's Continuing Care Arrangements | We created a new section |
You said to add a new section on Emergency care provision | We created a new section |
You said to create a new page for mental health and wellbeing | We created a landing page of information called Children and young peoples mental health and support, highlighting key services |
You said to make more of Facebook and what it's used for | We added a Facebook and activities page on the carousel |
You said to create a new page for Professional information briefings | We developed a page called Local Offer Learning with resources and presentations |
You said to update the Early years 0-5 childcare page | We edited the whole page to reflect the new and ongoing childcare offers including DAF and EIYF |
You said to reinstate the individual directories | We reconnected the curated directories with the relevant pages |
You wanted the link to mental health changed in the More in this section of the Healthcare services page | We directed the link to the Children's and young people's mental health support page |
Spring term feedback 2024
You said | We did |
You wanted social care to update their pages on Changing Places |
We contacted the website team directly to update the list of Changing Places toilets across Derby |
You wanted the types of childcare listing | Seven bullet points of listings were expanded to explain further the types of childcare available |
You needed the SEND and inclusion in Derby page updating | We removed the tagline ‘Living your best Life’ as it is no longer relevant |
You wanted reference to the recruitment of the new parent carer forum | We added a new section calling out for members of the newly established Derby’s Parent Carer Forum |
Autumn term feedback 2023
You said | We did |
You asked why only ADHD and autism are titled in the Understanding your child’s needs page | We changed ADHD and autism to My child has neurodiversity |
You found the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website difficult to navigate | The team responsible is reviewing how the content is displayed and considering a microsite for all neurodiverse conditions |
You said to cross-reference the health pages on Derbyshire |
Health services were updated and coordinate with the Derbyshire Local Offer |
You wanted to see a physical impairment section | We created a physical impairment section |
You wanted your child to have the opportunity to return or start in mainstream school | We created a protocol for pupils to transition smoothly into mainstream education |
You wanted a leaflet for parents to understand the process for possibly returning to a mainstream school setting | We added a link to the newly created Transitions leaflet for parents |