Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA)
The role of the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) was given to us by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009.
In the Flood Risk Regulations 2009, we were given the duty to produce a preliminary assessment of flood risk in the City, which resulted in the production of our original Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) report in 2011, and the update to the PFRA in 2017 report (2017 addendum).
- Investigating flooding incidents - Where necessary and appropriate we will investigate and report on flooding incidents occurring within the City.
- Production of a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - We must develop a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for flood risk from local sources.
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approval Body (SAB) - The role of the SAB is no longer expected to be coming into force.
- Creation and maintenance of a register of flood risk assets - We must maintain a register of locally significant flood risk management and drainage assets.
- Designation of flood risk management structures - We have permissive powers to designate structures and features that affect flooding so they cannot be altered, removed or replaced without consent.
- Statutory consultee on major planning applications as regards surface water drainage - Since 15tApril 2015, we have been a statutory consultee to the planning process for drainage and surface water management for major development.
- Land drainage consents - We are now the authority responsible for giving consent to any structures or culverts within any ordinary watercourses.