Council Tax and business rates phone lines

The telephone service for Council Tax and business rates will be unavailable on Tuesday 3 December. You can still contact us online to tell us of any changes in circumstances, make a payment arrangement or make a payment. Our telephone service will resume on Wednesday 4 December

Occasional and temporary use notices

No gaming machines may be provided under the provisions of an ‌occasional use notice.

A notice must be served on us by the occupier of the land or a person who is responsible for the administration of events on the track.

Complete the Occasional use notice application form.

Notices may be given for consecutive days but cannot exceed the limit of eight days in a calendar year. 

Provided that the notice will not result in betting facilities being made available for more than eight days in any calendar year, there is no provision for any counter notices or objections to be submitted. 

The information below provides a general explanation of the circumstances in which ‘race nights’ can be played under the Gambling Act 2005. It does not deal with every detail of the legislative provisions, or with the individual circumstances of a particular case.   

The Gambling Commission has issued a statutory code of practice on gaming in clubs and pubs, which is available from its website. 

A temporary use notice must be lodged with us not less than three months and one day before the day on which the gambling event will begin.

A copy of the notice must also be served within seven days on:

  • the Gambling Commission
  • the Chief of Police
  • HM Revenues and Customs
  • any other Licensing Authority in whose area the premises are situated.

You must complete the Temporary use notice application form and this with the relevant payment. Our licensing payments page explains what fees apply and how to pay them.‌

If the temporary use notice needs to be modified after being processed, a fee must be paid and the Licensing Team notified in writing.