Pest control for businesses and landlords
We offer a reliable and competitively priced pest management service for all our businesses and private landlords, tailored to your specific needs.
Our qualified and experienced team can arrange a specific contract or one-off service to treat a range of pest species, including rats, mice, bedbugs, wasps, cockroaches, fleas and carpet beetles.
We also offer a competitive pigeon-proofing service using some of the latest products and solutions.
To book a commercial treatment apply online.
For more information on the treatments available, contracts or prices, please email or telephone the Pest Management Service on 01332 640000 between 9am and 1pm.
We reserve the right to refuse to treat a premises if a domestic booking has been made when the premises is commercial. For example, private landlord or housing association. The commercial call out fee of £80 + VAT will be charged.
Where a booking has been made for wasps but it is established that it cannot be treated or the insects are bees a call out charge applied.
Please refer to our Pest Management Services Terms and Conditions.