Planning policy documents
Supplementary Planning Documents
Adopted Planning Obligations SPD
Following a period of consultation, the Council adopted its revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Document (SPD) on 7 August 2018.
Planning obligations, commonly known as Section 106 agreements, can be used to make a development acceptable in planning terms that would not otherwise be acceptable through the provision of in-kind and financial contributions towards infrastructure.
The SPD sets out detailed guidance on the Council’s planning obligation requirements including affordable housing. It is hoped that the SPD will provide assistance to those considering submitting planning applications for major development in Derby.
We are required to publish an Adoption Statement as part of the adoption of the SPD.
The Statement of Consultation Report (SPD) details the consultation methods we used when inviting comments on the SPD, the responses received and how we have taken them into account in preparing the document for adoption.
Contributions increases
The SPD contains contribution rates for 2018/19. Each year, contribution rates will be increased by the Retail Price Index (RPI). The list will be updated each financial year.
Appendix B Financial Contributions Matrix 2024-25 details the current contribution rates.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations were amended in 2019 and introduced a requirement to provide an annual report on planning obligations and CIL receipts and expenditure. The document is to be known as the Infrastructure Funding Statement.
The Council is not a CIL charging authority, so the Statement is only required to cover infrastructure secured through Section 106 agreement planning obligations. The Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24 is the Council’s fifth Infrastructure Funding Statement and covers the financial year 2023/24.
The Nature Conservation Strategy SPD
The Revised Derby Nature Conservation Strategy SPD gives details of how the natural history of the city will be conserved.
The Rykneld Road Housing Development SPD
The Rykneld Road Housing Development SPD gives more detailed guidelines on the development of this site for housing.
The Manor Kingsway Hospital SPD
The Manor Kingsway Hospital Site SPD Manor Kingsway Hospital Site SPD gives more detailed guidelines on the redevelopment of the Manor Kingsway site.
Community Infrastructure Levy
We are not intending to prepare a Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule at the present time. The Implementation team can provide further information if required.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how you can get involved in the production of our planning policies and the determination of planning applications:.
The SCI was formally adopted by the Council on 15 August 2023, having been reviewed to take account of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and to make sure it remains up to date and effective.
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The Local Development Scheme Version 8 (LDS) is a three-year project plan for preparing new planning policy documents.
The LDS has been updated to reflect work beginning on a new Local Plan for the city to cover the period up to 2040.
Authority Monitoring Report
The Authority Monitoring Report 2023 contains information on how we are performing in terms of document production, implementing policies and how well our planning policies are being achieved.
Each year the Council prepares an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) to provide updates on progress with the preparation and implementation of planning policy documents, including the Local Plan. The AMR also includes monitoring information to help assess the progress and effectiveness of policies in our Development Plan made up of the Derby City Local Plan Part 1 (2017) (DCLP1) and the Saved Policies of the City of Derby Local Plan Review (2006). It also reports progress on key projects and development sites.
Supplementary Planning Guidance
Biodiversity net gain
In advance of biodiversity net gain becoming mandatory in November 2023, the Council has published Supplementary Planning Guidance urging developers to provide biodiversity net gain voluntarily. The guidance outlines the process and what needs to be submitted to the Council as part of a planning application.
In addition, a Guidance Note for Householders which sets out the small steps everyone can take to improve biodiversity in our homes and gardens has been produced.
Planning and climate change guidance and assessment tool
Derbyshire County Council, with the assistance of all Derbyshire authorities, has recently published a Planning and climate change guidance and assessment tool.
The guidance identifies a number of climate-related issues and design considerations that should be taken into account in the design and implementation of development proposals.
The assessment tool can be submitted by applicants as part of the planning application. It assesses the degree to which climate change mitigation and adaptation measures have been considered, and included, in a development proposal.