Planning policy documents
Supplementary Planning Documents
Adopted Planning Obligations SPD
Following a period of consultation, the Council adopted its revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Document (SPD) on 7 August 2018.
Planning obligations, commonly known as Section 106 agreements, can be used to make a development acceptable in planning terms that would not otherwise be acceptable through the provision of in-kind and financial contributions towards infrastructure.
The SPD sets out detailed guidance on the Council’s planning obligation requirements including affordable housing. It is hoped that the SPD will provide assistance to those considering submitting planning applications for major development in Derby.
We are required to publish an Adoption Statement as part of the adoption of the SPD.
The Statement of Consultation Report (SPD) details the consultation methods we used when inviting comments on the SPD, the responses received and how we have taken them into account in preparing the document for adoption.
Contributions increases
The SPD contains contribution rates for 2018/19. Each year, contribution rates will be increased by the Retail Price Index (RPI). The list will be updated each financial year.
Appendix B Financial Contributions Matrix 2024-25 details the current contribution rates.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations were amended in 2019 and introduced a requirement to provide an annual report on planning obligations and CIL receipts and expenditure. The document is to be known as the Infrastructure Funding Statement.
The Council is not a CIL charging authority, so the Statement is only required to cover infrastructure secured through Section 106 agreement planning obligations. The Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24 is the Council’s fifth Infrastructure Funding Statement and covers the financial year 2023/24.
The Nature Conservation Strategy SPD
The Revised Derby Nature Conservation Strategy SPD gives details of how the natural history of the city will be conserved.
The Rykneld Road Housing Development SPD
The Rykneld Road Housing Development SPD gives more detailed guidelines on the development of this site for housing.
The Manor Kingsway Hospital SPD
The Manor Kingsway Hospital Site SPD Manor Kingsway Hospital Site SPD gives more detailed guidelines on the redevelopment of the Manor Kingsway site.