Safeguarding children board
The Children Act 2004 places a new duty on a wide range of organisations to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by working together. This includes organisations such as the Council, schools, police, health organisations and voluntary and independent sector organisations who provide services for children or parents and carers.
To ensure this happens, each Children’s Services Authority established a Local Safeguarding Children Board. In Derby this is called the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Senior managers from the organisations that work with children in Derby are members of the Board.
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children PartnershipOpens in new tab has a website where you can find out more information about the work of the Board.
Are you worried about a child?
If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.
There is more information about what you should do if you have concerns about a child in .