What is adult social care?
Adult social care provides personalised, practical support for people over 18. It supports them to live their lives the way they want. It preserves dignity and keeps people independent.
People who need care should have the choice, flexibility and control to live their lives the way they want. The Government, local councils, and service providers all have a duty to make sure this happens.
Adult Social Care may be able to give you support. If you ask us for support, we will complete a social care needs assessment with you.
All councils use the same guidelines set by the Care Act 2014Opens in new tab to see if they can support people. To get support:
- your needs must arise from or are related to a physical or mental impairment or illness
- as a result of your needs you are unable to achieve two or more outcomes in the areas listed below
- as a result there is, or is likely to be a significant impact on your wellbeing.
The areas all councils look at include:
- eating, drinking and preparing meals
- personal care
- being appropriately clothed
- being able to make use of the home safely
- running and maintaining the home
- developing and maintaining family and other personal relationships
- accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
- making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport and recreational facilities
- carrying out any caring responsibilities for a child.
We might decide that you need to pay for some of the support we give you. If that happens, we will need to see how much money you have in savings, your income and certain outgoings. That way we can work out how much you can pay. If you don’t want to tell us about your money, you will have to pay for all of your care. You can still get information and advice about services available from us.
Your Life Your Choice Strategy
Our Your Life Your Choice Strategy has been reviewed and refreshed after a consultation.
Our Your Life Your Choice vision is our way of setting out what we have been trying to achieve - our purpose, our principles and our approach to meeting the rising demand for social care.
We have also collated some life stories from citizens in Derby who have found support through services.
My Care Directory
The My Care DirectoryOpens in new tab can provide information on support available from home care organisations, residential and nursing care homes and other local care services in Derby. The directory is made up of organisations (for example businesses, service providers and third sector organisations) that offer services in Derby. (Their inclusion in the My Care Directory does not constitute a recommendation, advice or endorsement by the Council).
You can use the search facility to find support that is right for you or view the services by category.
Jargon buster
If you’re confused by the words social care workers use to describe your care, find out about the Jargon Buster.